Image Host

Image Host is a online service to hold your images. Different from local images, with image host, you could just share your plain text Markdown file wihtout any image files to people and they could access your images online from anywhere.

You need to setup your image host in the Settings dialog at first. Then you could choose to use local images or image host at the editor. If network is poor, you could also first use local images and then upload all the imges to a given image host at the end.



Gitee shares the similar process with GitHub. Let's take GitHub as an example.

  1. Go to the GitHub Settings, Developer settings and generate a new Personal access tokens.

  2. Select the repo scopes and generate the token. Copy it.

  3. Create a public repository to hold the images. Remember to generate the default README file to create the first commit.

  4. New a image host in VNote and fill in the Personal Access Token, User Name and the Repository Name.